Friday, October 17, 2008

Baby Constipation

We've been trying to transition to formula - not because my wife can't produce, but because it actually helps him sleep thru the night. The experts say that it is more complex to digest than breastmilk, so he doesn't get as hungry in the middle of the night.

One evening, we tried doing a half-and-half bottle: 2 oz. of breastmilk, 2 oz. of formula. And it seemed to work - where he used to wake up consistently around 2 or 3am, this time he slept thru til about 6am. But then we realized the trade-off: constipation. He last pooped is now Friday, and no signs of poopage. Back in the pre-formula days, he had a BM every single day, pretty regular.

We called our doctor and she said it's normal, as long as he's not in pain. She also recommended giving some prune juice to help with digestion. We'll see what happens, I bought some today, and gave some to him. Can't say I miss changing poop-filled, smelly diapers, but seeing that oatmeal, curd stuff would be welcomed at this point.

Stay tuned...

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